

  • 2976 discussions
Re: Colspan and table percentages
by place@gobigwest.com Jan. 2, 2008

Jan. 2, 2008
hook up the limit_text_width pref
by place@gobigwest.com Jan. 2, 2008

Jan. 2, 2008
patch: start_page and fullwindow_start prefs
by place@gobigwest.com Jan. 2, 2008

Jan. 2, 2008
patch: the position part of the geometry pref.
by place@gobigwest.com Jan. 2, 2008

Jan. 2, 2008
[PATCH] image load graphics improvements
by onepoint@starurchin.org Jan. 2, 2008

Jan. 2, 2008
[PATCH] initialise Layout::scrollIdleNotInterrupted
by onepoint@starurchin.org Jan. 2, 2008

Jan. 2, 2008
Re: "de-exporting" prefs stuff
by jcid@dillo.org Jan. 2, 2008

Jan. 2, 2008
[patch] fix hanging stop button
by Johannes.Hofmann@gmx.de Jan. 2, 2008

Jan. 2, 2008
[patch] make TopGroup a PackedGroup
by Johannes.Hofmann@gmx.de Jan. 2, 2008

Jan. 2, 2008
Best wishes for this year 2008
by jcid@dillo.org Jan. 1, 2008

Jan. 1, 2008