

  • 2976 discussions
[PATCH]: Table::apportionRowSpan()
by onepoint@starurchin.org Feb. 5, 2008

Feb. 5, 2008
[patch] fix size of select widgets
by Johannes.Hofmann@gmx.de Feb. 5, 2008

Feb. 5, 2008
an experiment in widget coloring (with code)
by place@gobigwest.com Feb. 5, 2008

Feb. 5, 2008
3 16
0 0
a_Dialog_text_window() dimensions
by place@gobigwest.com Feb. 3, 2008

Feb. 3, 2008
a couple of patches: referer and image_off
by jcid@dillo.org Feb. 2, 2008

Feb. 2, 2008
a couple of patches: referer and image_off
by jcid@dillo.org Feb. 1, 2008

Feb. 1, 2008
Various minor patches
by tmseck-lists@netcologne.de Jan. 31, 2008

Jan. 31, 2008
4 22
0 0
[PATCH]: improved ROWSPAN handling
by onepoint@starurchin.org Jan. 31, 2008

Jan. 31, 2008
[PATCH]: escape illegal characters instead of stripping them
by onepoint@starurchin.org Jan. 31, 2008

Jan. 31, 2008
Re: patch: image input as submit input
by jcid@dillo.org Jan. 31, 2008

Jan. 31, 2008