Hi there,
Please expect very good news in the next months...
(there's very nice code developing in the labs now).
Just that, stay tuned.
Only me again :)
Firefox, links and lynx render this page OK, but Dillo just shows the
HTML code:
Gosh that takes me back... or is it forward? That's the trouble with
time travel, you never can tell."
-- Doctor Who "Androids of Tara"
I am using Dillo as a help viewer of my IDE, because it has really short startup times and pressing F1 I get instant access to the documentation.
Recently I tried to compile and use the recent development versions from the hg repository, because of the recent changes in the rendering and the general improvements in the browser.
But unfortunately, the startup time seems to be increased and now I have to wait 2..3 seconds for browser to start and to show my help files.
Is such slow startup time side effect of some changes that will be fixed some day, or it is kind of compromise, because of other improvements and this way will persists in the project from now on?
Or (what is pretty possible) I messed something with the compilation?
John Found <johnfound at asm32.info>
Hi All,
I frequent a Slackware Pi forum, and decided to get Dillo to remember
my log-in details with cookies. The URL is (in my bookmarks file):
If I add:
forum.fatdog.eu ACCEPT
in my cookiesrc file, then start Dillo, click on the above said link
in bookmarks, Dillo locks up and the only way out is to kill it from the
command line.
Any ideas on this? Or am I being stupid?
Gosh that takes me back... or is it forward? That's the trouble with
time travel, you never can tell."
-- Doctor Who "Androids of Tara"