Hi all, seems there is a bug in css parsing in latest dillo 3.0.3 and latest HG too:
If i have load_stylesheets and/or (site depends) parse_embedded_css eq YES in dillorc a
number of russian sites with css renders with broken encoding, for example www.yandex.ru,
www.rambler.ru, if i disable css all renders fine with proper russian encoding.
C ????????? With Best Regards
???????????? ????. Georgiewskiy Yuriy
+7 4872 711666 +7 4872 711666
???? +7 4872 711143 fax +7 4872 711143
???????? ??? "?? ?? ??????" IT Service Ltd
JID: GHhost at icf.org.ru JID: GHhost at icf.org.ru