Hi there,
Thanks to those of you that made some diligences and sent me
email about finding Sebastian. We had a phone talk and will have
a chat soon.
Once again, thank you.
Hello, I have code a (dull, silly, ...) web page to upload my unfinished
dillo code. I tend to start too much things and i finish very few of them. I
will upload finished code too.
At this moment there are a unfinished tabs dpi and two finished patches
that together alow to wrote DilloPlugIns for protocols without touching
dillo code.
I will try to upload a unfinished preferences DPI and to code patches to
allow DPIs to manage mime types and scripting, but i have few time.
Please give your opinions on the page and the code.
Do not worry to ask any doubt.
I need some help about the english part to so do not doubt to blame my
english and tell my errors. Like this is not the topic of the list send
language errors directly to me.
The page is http://personales.ya.com/darkspirit/
Any news from Sebastian?