Hi John,
First of all, thanks for checking the project.
Hero go some answers...
On Wed, Jan 10, 2007 at 09:58:37PM -0800, John Gutierrez wrote:
> Jorge,
> Will you site be updated anytime soon. Some of your pages have a date of
> July 24, 2003 (funding.html). I check your site from time to time, but
> rarely see new information.
> Plans.html has not had an update since August 2006. I would imagine that the
> bullet colors would have changed by now.
> The ChangeLog.html shows a date of Apr 26, 2006 (no new version since then?)
> The FAQ.html still references version 8.4. and talks about FLTK port as of
> 2005!
> Fosdem 2005 and LSM 2005 are OLD events - anything current?
> The Achievements (A_gols.html was last modified October 2,2006 - anything
> new?
The Dillo project is currently frozen.
I'm expecting the vacation season in Germany to end to communicate
with Sebastian and update the site with an official statement
of the current situation. (I've tried to reach him since
late 2006 so I assume he's on holidays).
The latter time was spent trying to rise funds for continuing
the development with at least two people working full time on it.
Funding didn't happen so I had to take a job, and as Sebastian had
a job, the situation now is we're both on a spare time basis that
in practice has been close to nil.
OTOH, the port to FLTK2 has gone very good with no surprises and
a very good transition. The problem is lack of manpower because of
lack of funds. The project is frozen because it is impossible to
develop a web browser (very complex task), keeping pace with
the evolving technologies, by working on a spare time basis.
The web site will be updated after I have a virtual meeting
to discuss the points with Sebastian, or in mid February, whatever
comes first.