On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 03:56:29AM +0200, Diego Sáenz wrote:
> Hello Jorge, i am the guy who make the path to move the dillo
> cookies code to a dpi. I want to know why is not the cookies
> dpi patch in the cvs? What must i do/change to see the code in
> the cvs? I use dillo with the cookies dpi patch every day and i
> have no complains.(I allow cookies for few sites anyway so i do
> not know if it is enought)
CVS is about to be released as bugfix dillo-0.8.5. The idea is
to merge the new cookies dpi with the new dpi stuff in the fltk2
tree. Now, as it could certainly help the debugging of this dpi,
I'll merge it into the 0.8.5 CVS after the release so the guys in
dillo-dev can help you with the testing&debugging.
> About sourceforge thing it do not login or create new
> account(try to load(¿?) the submit url but do not do), but you
> can copy the cookies for the "remember me" option from another
> browser, while cookies.dpi is off, and use dillo normally.
This would be interesting to investigate. I mean, what's
required to fully work with sourceforge (from a distance, it
looks like some HTTP1.1 tweaks can help).
> About test if the cookies work correctly over https i do not
> have a configured server at hand, but i have not free time
> until june 20th too.
dillo-dev: anyone?
(just ask Diego for the patch or wait for the CVS after the
0.8.5 release is done).
> El Wed, 27 Apr 2005 11:38:40 +0200
> Jorge Arellano Cid <jcid(a)dillo.org> escribio:
> > On Tue, Apr 26, 2005 at 05:55:54PM +0200, Diego Sáenz wrote:
> > > Very thanks again. With the a_Dpi_send_blocking_cmd was enough
> > the other code was allmost as that i have code. It is working
> > just now. I will clean my code and test it some more before post
> > to the list.
> >
> > Good Diego!
> >
> > I'm interested in the https cookies stuff. AFAIK everything is
> > there for it to work. I haven't checked whether the https dpi is
> > sending back the cookies to dillo, but you can do that! :-)
> >
> > BTW, the next time you have a patch, please set a URL with it.
> > Don't send it to dillo-dev. If you don't have an http server at
> > hand, just ask Jorgen Viksell to put it in our site.
> >
> > --
> > Cheers
> > Jorge.-