

August 2003

  • 38 participants
  • 54 discussions
version tests on automake and autoconf
by robert w hall Nov. 2, 2003

Nov. 2, 2003
New dpid patch
by Ferdi Franceschini Sept. 11, 2003

Sept. 11, 2003

Sept. 3, 2003
Re: [Dillo-dev] Rendering problem
by Jorge Arellano Cid Sept. 1, 2003

Sept. 1, 2003
Problems with tab patch
by Nigel Wilkinson Aug. 29, 2003

Aug. 29, 2003
by Jorge Arellano Cid Aug. 29, 2003

Aug. 29, 2003
Re: Tab + frame patch, any progress?
by Jorge Arellano Cid Aug. 29, 2003

Aug. 29, 2003
Running external Gtk programs under Tabs (fwd)
by Jorge Arellano Cid Aug. 29, 2003

Aug. 29, 2003
CinePaint and Windows port
by Robin Rowe Aug. 28, 2003

Aug. 28, 2003