Was just wondering when the SFD wiki would be updated for 2020. Seems like a good time to discuss SFD 2020 since it was just mentioned in the Document Freedom Day thread. Just attended a couple of Linux, FLOSS related meetings using Jitsi. I think it would be great this year to host SFD 2020 virtually instead of at our local library. We might even get a bigger turn out. I wasn't impressed with the ability to share slides over Jitsi especially if someone's running it from a mobile device with low bandwidth. However, I have some info/slides I put together on the web for a local tech conference. Could supply the web links for viewing information and slides and have the meeting for SFD via Jitsi. Think it would be fun. With World Tai Chi Day, everyone did Tai Chi from home at 10 AM in there particular time zone. Think it could be really great if any groups doing SFD this year virtually could schedule their sessions at different times (especially if they're already in different time zones) so that people could attend and participate in multiple virtual events. Would also be wonderful to have one page on the SFD wiki that gives times and virtual locations for all the virtual events. I'd also like to come up with some ideas for reaching out to people who may not have the latest and greatest hardware or who have low resource or older computers or maybe just mobile devices. Any ideas on that front would be greatly appreciated. Think now would be a great time to start planning for SFD 2020.

Just attended a couple of Linux, FLOSS related meetings using Jitsi.
Yes - Jitsi works well for video conferencing and screen-sharing. For a virtual event, BigBlueButton (http://docs.bigbluebutton.org/) might be more appropriate. There are various FOSS options for broadcasting when a larger audience of watchers is needed, opposed to participants. SJM -- Stuart J Mackintosh CEO / Founder OpusVL Logo Business management software - Joined-up, flexible & open • Open Source Specialists Drury House Drury Lane Rugby CV21 3DE T: 01788 298 450 DDI: 01788 298 457 E: sjm@opusvl.com <mailto:sjm@opusvl.com> W: http://opusvl.com IM: xmpp:stuart.j.mackintosh@project.im

Dear lmemsm (that's all I could come up with - I guess I am not a good investigator ;-) )! Yes! [initial email was way too long...] So we have 5 months to prepare. Software choice is one issue, event organization (and interaction) is another. I'll skip software choices for now. Being a grass root event we probably need to let each team decide what they want to present (topic - time - language). That could mean more than 1 streaming channel necessary if we offer the streaming capabilities. Also I feel there are basic topics which should roll all over the day such as introduction to FOSS, How to start, communities nearby, etc but this is only one opinion. We could do bi-weekly (as in twice a month) IRC meetings with people interested to organize something and see if anything comes out of it. I feel it would be faster than exchanging on such a prolific topic by email, as least to kick start it. What do you (as in everybody on the list) say? Thank you. Fred On 5/11/20 7:07 PM, LM wrote:
Was just wondering when the SFD wiki would be updated for 2020. Seems like a good time to discuss SFD 2020 since it was just mentioned in the Document Freedom Day thread.
Just attended a couple of Linux, FLOSS related meetings using Jitsi. I think it would be great this year to host SFD 2020 virtually instead of at our local library. We might even get a bigger turn out. I wasn't impressed with the ability to share slides over Jitsi especially if someone's running it from a mobile device with low bandwidth. However, I have some info/slides I put together on the web for a local tech conference. Could supply the web links for viewing information and slides and have the meeting for SFD via Jitsi. Think it would be fun.
With World Tai Chi Day, everyone did Tai Chi from home at 10 AM in there particular time zone. Think it could be really great if any groups doing SFD this year virtually could schedule their sessions at different times (especially if they're already in different time zones) so that people could attend and participate in multiple virtual events. Would also be wonderful to have one page on the SFD wiki that gives times and virtual locations for all the virtual events.
I'd also like to come up with some ideas for reaching out to people who may not have the latest and greatest hardware or who have low resource or older computers or maybe just mobile devices. Any ideas on that front would be greatly appreciated.
Think now would be a great time to start planning for SFD 2020.
_______________________________________________ SFD-discuss mailing list SFD-discuss@sf-day.org http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/sfd-discuss .

Hi http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/sfd-discuss <sfd-discuss@sf-day.org> bcc: "Astrid Jekat" <astrid@jekat.com> "http://www.vcfe.org organisers " <org@vcfe.org>, "http://mailman.berklix.org/mailman/listinfo/vcfe" <vcfe@mailman.berklix.org>, "http://mailman.berklix.org/mailman/listinfo/sfd-org" <sfd-org@mailman.berklix.org> (BCC'd not CC'd to avoid a cross post storm, any who might want to discuss on lists should join lists first, Any mail to any *@mailman.berklix.org list is auto discarded unseen, unless sent from a subscribed address. ) LM wrote:
Was just wondering when the SFD wiki would be updated for 2020. Seems like a good time to discuss SFD 2020 since it was just mentioned in the Document Freedom Day thread.
Just attended a couple of Linux, FLOSS related meetings using Jitsi. I think it would be great this year to host SFD 2020 virtually instead of at our local library. We might even get a bigger turn out. I wasn't impressed with the ability to share slides over Jitsi especially if someone's running it from a mobile device with low bandwidth. However, I have some info/slides I put together on the web for a local tech conference. Could supply the web links for viewing information and slides and have the meeting for SFD via Jitsi. Think it would be fun.
http://www.vcfe.org (Vintage Computer Fest Europe) are also like https://www.softwarefreedomday.org/ looking at various technologies to support virtualising an annual event. Seems to me ( an ex exhibitor at vcfe.org & ex organiser of SFD Munich http://www.berklix.org/sfd/ ) you have similar requirements & could share knowledge, as both want not just small group conferencing per exhibitor stand, but also larger group streaming for lectures, & feedback questions & responses etc. You might want to swap knowledge, join each others lists etc. BTW I have an index of conference software at http://www.berklix.org/meet/ inc. http://www.berklix.org/meet/#jitsi It does not include some technologies a friend is looking at for broadcast streaming, but I'm happy to add URLs if mailed direct. Cheers -- Julian Stacey, Consultant Systems Engineer, BSD Linux http://berklix.com/jhs/ http://www.berklix.org/corona/#masks Tie 2 handkerchiefs or 1 pillow case. Jobs & economy hit by Corona to be hit again by Crash Brexit 31st Dec. 2020

Hi there, On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 9:06 AM Frederic Muller - DFF <fred@digitalfreedomfoundation.org> wrote: [...]
So we have 5 months to prepare. Software choice is one issue, event organization (and interaction) is another. I'll skip software choices for now.
Planning (at least on this mailing list) stalled, we are now one month away from the date.
Being a grass root event we probably need to let each team decide what they want to present (topic - time - language). That could mean more than 1 streaming channel necessary if we offer the streaming capabilities.
At this point, I'd prefer starting by having a definitive statement about how SFD 2020 is going to be: several "local events" (online or offline), as usual, or one global event (which can of course have regional tracks and so on, if there's enough presenters, etc.)? [...]
What do you (as in everybody on the list) say?
Mostly that time is running out :-) If we're going to do a global online event, it is time for us to say so, find someone interested in setting up and maintaing the technical side of things (hopefully several people in different time zones), someone (hopefully several people in different time zones) to coordinate the agenda side of things, and issue a call for presentations/sessions ASAP. If we're going to the "the usual thing", then we could also make it official, update the website, open the registration pages and so on, and possibly be explicit that these events can either be offline or online. Best regards, -- Marcos Marado

If we're going to the "the usual thing", then we could also make it official, update the website, open the registration pages and so on, and possibly be explicit that these events can either be offline or online.
Some (many?) countries it's illegal &/or too dangerous to do the Usual, eg Munich Germany cancelled many events including: http://oktoberfest.de/en & http://vcfe.org/E/ Even the voracious Olympics were forced to skip. https://www.softwarefreedomday.org/map/ lists 2019 with 59 events. The only global SFD "usual" could be a usual common date, with I guess many or mostly virtuals, & a few physicals with lower attendance. In Britain & Germany (& I assume most of North hemisphere), people are exploding out of Corona lock down & work from home buildings, & lack of fly away holidays, to local fresh air at beaches, lakes, mountains, parks, to cram a summer's outings (& traffic jams & people congestion) in to just 2 remaining months of August & September. Trying to tempt people inside buildungs to computer lectures, stands, mains supplied equipment, projectors & slide shows etc, would be futile IMO, unless a month before there was guaranteed rain with a month to advertise & recruit exhibitors & attenders. Maybe next century super computers might predict a month ahead ;-) Till then, though I was one of the main organisers of SFD for Munich in 2010 & 2011 http://www.berklix.org/sfd/ & have wondered if I should again some time, I definately won't in 2020, it's off to the park, till it rains. Cheers -- Julian Stacey, Consultant Sys. Engineer, BSD Linux http://berklix.com/jhs/ Crash Brexit Dec. 2020 aids speculators & Russia. http://berklix.uk/brexit/ Russia report, many formats: http://www.berklix.org/russia/

Hi Fred and all, Please enable the SFD framework for those that can, as usual, hold events. i.e. in New Zealand and some Australian states. Ready to ramp up activity. Thanks and regards Rik Tindall pp SFD Team Christchurch http://www.infohelp.co.nz/sfd20.html https://www.facebook.com/TeamChristchurchSFD/ On 2020-08-10 06:57, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
If we're going to the "the usual thing", then we could also make it official, update the website, open the registration pages and so on, and possibly be explicit that these events can either be offline or online.
Some (many?) countries it's illegal &/or too dangerous to do the Usual, eg Munich Germany cancelled many events including: http://oktoberfest.de/en & http://vcfe.org/E/ Even the voracious Olympics were forced to skip.
https://www.softwarefreedomday.org/map/ lists 2019 with 59 events. The only global SFD "usual" could be a usual common date, with I guess many or mostly virtuals, & a few physicals with lower attendance.
In Britain & Germany (& I assume most of North hemisphere), people are exploding out of Corona lock down & work from home buildings, & lack of fly away holidays, to local fresh air at beaches, lakes, mountains, parks, to cram a summer's outings (& traffic jams & people congestion) in to just 2 remaining months of August & September.
Trying to tempt people inside buildungs to computer lectures, stands, mains supplied equipment, projectors & slide shows etc, would be futile IMO, unless a month before there was guaranteed rain with a month to advertise & recruit exhibitors & attenders. Maybe next century super computers might predict a month ahead ;-)
Till then, though I was one of the main organisers of SFD for Munich in 2010 & 2011 http://www.berklix.org/sfd/ & have wondered if I should again some time, I definately won't in 2020, it's off to the park, till it rains.

Hi everyone, in Kiel, we're planning for an online event (combined with Kielux). Some of our speakers will join us in person, the rest will meet up via BigBlueButton, and we're also planning for a YouTube stream. The largest Linux conferences that we have in Germany have been dropped without replacement this year, so we hope to fill in the gap a bit, as good as we can. We'll try to start SFD as usual, too, by meeting up for breakfast. (If you want to be a speaker, you're invited to join us :) ) Maren (Kielux-Co-Coordinator) https://kielux.de Am 10.08.20 um 00:39 schrieb Rik Tindall:
Hi Fred and all,
Please enable the SFD framework for those that can, as usual, hold events.
i.e. in New Zealand and some Australian states. Ready to ramp up activity.
Thanks and regards
Rik Tindall
pp SFD Team Christchurch http://www.infohelp.co.nz/sfd20.html https://www.facebook.com/TeamChristchurchSFD/
On 2020-08-10 06:57, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
If we're going to the "the usual thing", then we could also make it official, update the website, open the registration pages and so on, and possibly be explicit that these events can either be offline or online.
Some (many?) countries it's illegal &/or too dangerous to do the Usual, eg Munich Germany cancelled many events including: http://oktoberfest.de/en & http://vcfe.org/E/ Even the voracious Olympics were forced to skip.
https://www.softwarefreedomday.org/map/ lists 2019 with 59 events. The only global SFD "usual" could be a usual common date, with I guess many or mostly virtuals, & a few physicals with lower attendance.
In Britain & Germany (& I assume most of North hemisphere), people are exploding out of Corona lock down & work from home buildings, & lack of fly away holidays, to local fresh air at beaches, lakes, mountains, parks, to cram a summer's outings (& traffic jams & people congestion) in to just 2 remaining months of August & September.
Trying to tempt people inside buildungs to computer lectures, stands, mains supplied equipment, projectors & slide shows etc, would be futile IMO, unless a month before there was guaranteed rain with a month to advertise & recruit exhibitors & attenders. Maybe next century super computers might predict a month ahead ;-)
Till then, though I was one of the main organisers of SFD for Munich in 2010 & 2011 http://www.berklix.org/sfd/ & have wondered if I should again some time, I definately won't in 2020, it's off to the park, till it rains.
_______________________________________________ SFD-discuss mailing list SFD-discuss@sf-day.org http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/sfd-discuss

Ref http://mail.sf-day.org/pipermail/sfd-discuss/2020-August/003266.html Rik Tindall wrote:
Please enable the SFD framework for those that can, as usual, hold events.
Good move.
i.e. in New Zealand and some Australian states. Ready to ramp up activity.
Localities vary by geography & time (eg part of city of Leicester UK, & Melbourne Australia & parts of USA all tightened on Corona after loosening) Only locals can decide. Good luck. Maren Hachmann <maren@goos-habermann.de>
the rest will meet up via BigBlueButton, and we're also planning for a YouTube stream
I made notes on virtual meeting softwares here http://www.berklix.org/meet/ Lot of links. More welcome. But I wrote it more with a view to smallish interactive meetings than large broadcast conferences. PS A friend (BCC'd) researched BigBlueButton & others for an expo. rather than for meetings, & thought BigBlue might be better than Jitsi for that, but she ran out of time, If she has notes I could link to or include them at eg. http://www.berklix.org/meet/#jitsi http://www.berklix.org/meet/#bigbluebutton Cheers -- Julian Stacey, Consultant Sys. Engineer, BSD Linux http://berklix.com/jhs/ Crash Brexit Dec. 2020 aids speculators & Russia. http://berklix.uk/brexit/ Russia report, many formats: http://www.berklix.org/russia/

Hi Julian, Am 10.08.20 um 02:18 schrieb Julian H. Stacey:
Ref http://mail.sf-day.org/pipermail/sfd-discuss/2020-August/003266.html
PS A friend (BCC'd) researched BigBlueButton & others for an expo. rather than for meetings, & thought BigBlue might be better than Jitsi for that, but she ran out of time, If she has notes I could link to or include them at eg. http://www.berklix.org/meet/#jitsi http://www.berklix.org/meet/#bigbluebutton
One of the Inkscape board members who works at a university in Paris told us they're using it for lectures. When someone in our chat asked him about what would be required for up to 200 (and a temporary maximum of 350) persons, this is what he replied: "then I would recommend ≥1GB/s bw , 8 cores, 32G RAM are enough - disable webcams except for *one* speaker at most, screenshare strongly discouraged, disable chat when >200people, never enable the "collaborative drawing over slides" you would probably not use up more than 16G ram but it is better on the safe side rule of thumb is that bandwith will be limiting, and bandwith usage is n_attendees×(n_webcams+4×screenshare)×1MB/s if you go for correct quality" For occasional meetups, Inkscape project members often use Jitsi, and it's mostly fine for small numbers of people. With the free website, it doesn't require any setup for trying it out. Last time I used it, it only worked reliably in Chrome, though, and people often had difficulties with the audio. Development may have advanced, I've not been in a Jitsi meeting for a couple months. Hope this helps. Maren

Hope this helps.
Thanks Maren! Noted to http://www.berklix.org/meet/#bigbluebutton Cheers -- Julian Stacey, Consultant Sys. Engineer, BSD Linux http://berklix.com/jhs/ Crash Brexit Dec. 2020 aids speculators & Russia. http://berklix.uk/brexit/ Russia report, many formats: http://www.berklix.org/russia/

On 8/10/20 3:50 AM, Maren Hachmann wrote:
Hi Julian,
Am 10.08.20 um 02:18 schrieb Julian H. Stacey:
Ref http://mail.sf-day.org/pipermail/sfd-discuss/2020-August/003266.html
PS A friend (BCC'd) researched BigBlueButton & others for an expo. rather than for meetings, & thought BigBlue might be better than Jitsi for that, but she ran out of time, If she has notes I could link to or include them at eg. http://www.berklix.org/meet/#jitsi http://www.berklix.org/meet/#bigbluebutton
One of the Inkscape board members who works at a university in Paris told us they're using it for lectures.
When someone in our chat asked him about what would be required for up to 200 (and a temporary maximum of 350) persons, this is what he replied:
"then I would recommend ≥1GB/s bw , 8 cores, 32G RAM are enough - disable webcams except for *one* speaker at most, screenshare strongly discouraged, disable chat when >200people, never enable the "collaborative drawing over slides"
you would probably not use up more than 16G ram but it is better on the safe side rule of thumb is that bandwith will be limiting, and bandwith usage is n_attendees×(n_webcams+4×screenshare)×1MB/s if you go for correct quality"
For occasional meetups, Inkscape project members often use Jitsi, and it's mostly fine for small numbers of people. With the free website, it doesn't require any setup for trying it out. Last time I used it, it only worked reliably in Chrome, though, and people often had difficulties with the audio. Development may have advanced, I've not been in a Jitsi meeting for a couple months.
Hope this helps. Maren
_______________________________________________ SFD-discuss mailing list SFD-discuss@sf-day.org http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/sfd-discuss
A number of cloud providers also offer streaming solutions which one can build on. Would be happy to help set something up if of interest and can lookup details of possible options.

Dear all, Apologies for the silent, we have somewhat been uncomfortable with the situation and really didn't want to promote meeting up in places where it's a big NO. Thank you Marco for starting the discussion again: we will no have a global online event and will continue as we have done in the past. The wiki has been updated as some teams have started to create pages (some non-English pages need updates), the countdown will be starting soon (as in less than a day we hope) so will the registration and therefore the map. Not sure how to display "online events" on a map though. Suggestion very welcome! Thank you everyone for stepping in, really! To LM: the date is really flexible as it is impossible to find a date which will work every year in every country. So it's really what works best in your area. Just make sure the date of your liking is specified on all your communication, wiki, etc... Any more questions, comments, please do not hesitate. Thank you. Fred On 8/10/20 5:39 AM, Rik Tindall wrote:
Hi Fred and all,
Please enable the SFD framework for those that can, as usual, hold events.
i.e. in New Zealand and some Australian states. Ready to ramp up activity.
Thanks and regards
Rik Tindall
participants (8)
Benson Muite
Frederic Muller - DFF
Julian H. Stacey
Marcos Marado
Maren Hachmann
Rik Tindall
Stuart J Mackintosh