Ref http://mail.sf-day.org/pipermail/sfd-discuss/2020-August/003266.html Rik Tindall wrote:
Please enable the SFD framework for those that can, as usual, hold events.
Good move.
i.e. in New Zealand and some Australian states. Ready to ramp up activity.
Localities vary by geography & time (eg part of city of Leicester UK, & Melbourne Australia & parts of USA all tightened on Corona after loosening) Only locals can decide. Good luck. Maren Hachmann <maren@goos-habermann.de>
the rest will meet up via BigBlueButton, and we're also planning for a YouTube stream
I made notes on virtual meeting softwares here http://www.berklix.org/meet/ Lot of links. More welcome. But I wrote it more with a view to smallish interactive meetings than large broadcast conferences. PS A friend (BCC'd) researched BigBlueButton & others for an expo. rather than for meetings, & thought BigBlue might be better than Jitsi for that, but she ran out of time, If she has notes I could link to or include them at eg. http://www.berklix.org/meet/#jitsi http://www.berklix.org/meet/#bigbluebutton Cheers -- Julian Stacey, Consultant Sys. Engineer, BSD Linux http://berklix.com/jhs/ Crash Brexit Dec. 2020 aids speculators & Russia. http://berklix.uk/brexit/ Russia report, many formats: http://www.berklix.org/russia/