Dear all, Apologies for the silent, we have somewhat been uncomfortable with the situation and really didn't want to promote meeting up in places where it's a big NO. Thank you Marco for starting the discussion again: we will no have a global online event and will continue as we have done in the past. The wiki has been updated as some teams have started to create pages (some non-English pages need updates), the countdown will be starting soon (as in less than a day we hope) so will the registration and therefore the map. Not sure how to display "online events" on a map though. Suggestion very welcome! Thank you everyone for stepping in, really! To LM: the date is really flexible as it is impossible to find a date which will work every year in every country. So it's really what works best in your area. Just make sure the date of your liking is specified on all your communication, wiki, etc... Any more questions, comments, please do not hesitate. Thank you. Fred On 8/10/20 5:39 AM, Rik Tindall wrote:
Hi Fred and all,
Please enable the SFD framework for those that can, as usual, hold events.
i.e. in New Zealand and some Australian states. Ready to ramp up activity.
Thanks and regards
Rik Tindall