Hi there, On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 9:06 AM Frederic Muller - DFF <fred@digitalfreedomfoundation.org> wrote: [...]
So we have 5 months to prepare. Software choice is one issue, event organization (and interaction) is another. I'll skip software choices for now.
Planning (at least on this mailing list) stalled, we are now one month away from the date.
Being a grass root event we probably need to let each team decide what they want to present (topic - time - language). That could mean more than 1 streaming channel necessary if we offer the streaming capabilities.
At this point, I'd prefer starting by having a definitive statement about how SFD 2020 is going to be: several "local events" (online or offline), as usual, or one global event (which can of course have regional tracks and so on, if there's enough presenters, etc.)? [...]
What do you (as in everybody on the list) say?
Mostly that time is running out :-) If we're going to do a global online event, it is time for us to say so, find someone interested in setting up and maintaing the technical side of things (hopefully several people in different time zones), someone (hopefully several people in different time zones) to coordinate the agenda side of things, and issue a call for presentations/sessions ASAP. If we're going to the "the usual thing", then we could also make it official, update the website, open the registration pages and so on, and possibly be explicit that these events can either be offline or online. Best regards, -- Marcos Marado