2010/9/11 don warner saklad <don.saklad@gmail.com>
a. How would you explain things to the head of our Reference Department at Cambridge Public Library?...
The head of our Reference Department, an advocate of microsoft products, argues againt free software routinely! http://www.cambridgepubliclibrary.org/reference/ref2.html
I cannot find their arguments there.
b. Are there any free software resources easy to grasp with no more than a glance?... as opposed to all the stuff one who's uninitiated must be motivated and take time to study.
It is not easy to understand freedom. Most people think it is a question of better and cheaper software. Depending on your audience, they will value several things that freedom offers: auditability, modification, access to knowledge, privacy, shareability, promotes building of knowledge colaboratively, independence from supplier, free market of goods and services, etc. -- Saludos/Greetings Quiliro Ordóñez 593(2)340 1517 / 593(9)821 8696 Even The Troops Are Waking Up <http://tinyogg.com/watch/My8SB/> ACTA – Un acuerdo que puede garantizar la crucificción de internet<http://quiliro.wordpress.com> GNU should mean "GNU's not Ubuntu!<http://quidam.cc/03-03-2010/gnu-should-mean-gnus-not-ubuntu> "Lo único que se necesita para que triunfe el mal es que los hombres de bien no hagan nada." Sergei Bondarchuk Estas son opiniones personales y no representan la posición de organización alguna.