And the SVG or PDF source file idea is also good, especially for groups that are at more than one site.
Poster should also look OK in monochrome: Most people don't have access to colour printers at work, or if they do, same problem arises: colleagues often are discouraged from using the colour printer. SFD people might print in colour, but friends of SFD people emailed to at work, won't be so motivated to use the company's colour printer. `Small is beatiful' ;-) A5, USA Letter, & A4 most useful. Numerous friends can generaly be easily persuaded to print & stick A5 on the outside of their own office doors, if friends in local source groups personaly enclose them in email, for any of various tech. events inc. SFD. Some lesser number will be prepared to stick up A4. Most people can't publicise larger, they'd need to be quite motivated to take time to get permission/ agreement from room colleagues, boss & personnel for notice boards etc. The small USA: Still not yet grown to A4 paper ;-) Margins would be a problem above single sheet: Most printers only print up to A4, & most leave a white margin. Sticking sheets together, we'd have to accurately cut off white margins & align. The bigger the worse the drift. Cut marks would help. What would generate them ? We'd get into a distracting discussion on tools, (between small & light tools & versions with dependencies that run on some not all OSs, versus bloated mega packages, eg open/libre/office, that some teams have forced to run on most OS, at least some version). A5 black & white won't be ambitious enough for various SFD activists, & good to have something better too, but A5 B/W will have far greater chance of appearing outside lots of office doors of friends & acquaintainces of SFD people. Cheers, Julian -- Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultant, Munich http://berklix.com Reply below not above, like a play script. Indent old text with "> ". Send plain text. No quoted-printable, HTML, base64, multipart/alternative.