Dear all, This is with great pleasure that we are opening registration for SFD 2018. This year Software Freedom Day is happening on Saturday September 15th everywhere around the world (or almost). While the wiki was ready to create and update your event page we did a soft launch for the registration at the beginning of the month and have had so far 2 registration emails which didn't reach the team leaders. If this happens to you check your SPAM folder and eventually email us on SFD-discuss list. Apart from that everything seems to be running smoothly. On the sponsors side as we have received questions in the sfd-discuss mailing list so we would like to thank Linode and Canonical for providing hosting, mailing list and some technical support for longer than we can remember. On the funding part however we haven't received any money from anyone for the 4th consecutive year due to relocation of our organization and various other issues. We do however want to thank Google for their continuous support and hope we will resume receiving funding very soon. So as usual registering an SFD event is as simple as 1-2-3: 1. Create a wiki account if you don't already have one 2. Create a wiki page in your area under http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/2018/ then country/city/team 3. Go to https://www.softwarefreedomday.org/cgi-bin/register.py and let us know exactly who and where you are. At the end of all this you'll appear on the SFD 2018 Map here with all the other teams https://www.softwarefreedomday.org/map/ and be easy to spot. If you need further information we have an exhaustive guide here at http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/StartGuide for newcomers and for the others who need help, and the SFD-Discuss mailing list is probably the best place to get prompt support ( http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/sfd-discuss ). We have also the SFD countdown ready and in 7 languages. You can find further information here: https://www.softwarefreedomday.org/promote/countdown So all the best and get ready for Software Freedom Day 2018. Thank you very much and happy SFD! The Digital Freedom Foundation
participants (1)
Frederic Muller - DFF