Hi all there. Last year, in Chile, coordination ended up more disperse than expected, however, Chilean people carried out some activities, esp. in the southern areas of Chile. This year, SFD should have better results, at least in Latinamerica due to the fact that more people are already aware of FLOSS concepts. Also, this year, there is an interesting Agenda regarding FLOSS events in diff. countries of Latinamerica. It is very nice to hear that ParqueSoft (Colombia) is interested in supporting SFD inititative. AFAIK, 2 people from ParqueSoft (I know they do some interesting stuff but dont know them in FLOSS areas yet, only propietary stuff) are coming to one of the events we are organizing in Chile, Feria de Educacion y Tecnologia Libre 2006 (FET Chile 2006), ion June 20th and 21st. I know it is perhaps too anticipated, but it may be a good chance to promote SFD material among participants of the FET Chile 2006. If so, which material would you suggest? -- Cordialmente, Mauricio Hernandez Z. www.tecnocimiento.cl == IRC == server: irc.freenode.net channel: #edubuntu, #edubuntu-es nick: mhz ======= "Hell is repeating someone else's mistakes" (JPS) [Mail escrito sin caracteres especiales o acentos para evitar conflictos de lectura entre sistemas] [En smilar contexto, evitemos enviar archivos .doc, .ppt o .xls. Intentemos enviar solo formatos libres y mas livianos, como lo son .txt, .html, .pdf, .odt, etc.]