Sept. 10, 2002
6:18 p.m.
A version 0.6 of the Culmus fonts has been released.
Changes: This is a complementary release to version 0.5. It contains the same font families, including all Hebrew-related Unicode entries except cantillation marks.
Font family Dror has been renamed to Frank Ruehl to maintain consistency with common conventions.
Several characters redrawn in Frank Ruehl and Nachlieli, following advice from Sivan Toledo.
Implemented Unicode entries (in addition to ASCII): 0x05B0-0x05F4 (Nikud, Hebrew-specific punctuation and Yiddish digraphs), 0x20AA (NIS currency symbol) and 0xFB1D-0xFB4F (Presentation forms, including letters with dagesh).
Known issues:
- Frank-Ruehl Bold Italic looks bad at low resolutions. Hasida family looks bad at some low resolutions. Letter "Lamed" looks bad at all fonts at some low resolutions.
- Cantillation marks (Unicode 0x0591-0x05AF) not implemented.
Best regards, Maxim.