Re: [SFD-discuss] SFD on Social Media?

Jurgen Gaeremyn wrote:
I like open social media. But if that's our only outlet to promote SFD, we're preaching to the choir. If you want to reach people who aren't knee deep into open source software, you need to be where they are.
I agree with this. The target audience of people who could learn about and benefit from converting to FLOSS is more likely to be found on non-Free platforms. I was really shocked by how many tech and programming groups in my area do not use FLOSS and do not know about most of the FLOSS options. Many are currently promoting Microsoft Teams and Zoom to the public and explaining how to use them. They believe they are doing a public service helping those less knowledgeable about tech to use these types of tools. They also use tools like Meetup, Facebook, Slack and Discord to communicate. Lately, I've been feeling like talking to people in these groups is like talking to a wall, but it would be nice to reach some of the less technical people they're reaching and let them know there are other alternatives before they make their choices. Users who aren't set in their ways are more likely to adopt something different.
Secondly, I'm much in favor of the principle of doing: if you think it's important, please do it. If nobody is willing to invest the time into building up the open social media buzz around SFD, If some people are willing to promote SFD on facebook, twitter or even linkedin... great!
I also agree with this. We should hopefully have enough people involved in putting together SFD events that we can do a good job of promoting and publicizing it too. It's pretty much what I do every year. This year, I posted to every FLOSS group on Facebook that I could find and join. I posted to some of the educational groups I'm on. I posted to every FLOSS group I'm on and some of the local tech groups on LinkedIn. There is a SFD group on LinkedIn and I posted a reminder about SFD there. I also posted to Edmodo. I'm also trying to reach the CSTA (contacted three different groups in the CSTA) to try to get them to mention it to their members, but so far, they've just ignored me. Last year, I posted on Meetup on every local group I thought might be interested and on Slack for the local tech groups that ran a Slack channel and I told them at the various tech meetings in person. Had a turn-out of 4 last year, but we still had a great time. We still have some time before SFD, so I'll probably be posting to other groups as well. I'd really like to reach educators this year since they're having a lot of trouble adapting to distance learning and there are some great FLOSS tools that can help with that. I like the concept of If anyone wants to join and add a post there, I think it will help promote the site. If they have enough activities there, they might actually be able to give Meetup some competition. I talked to one of the local tech groups and their publicizer basically said he only sent members information about meetings from Meetup. So, if sites like were more popular and people were made aware of them, the general public might start using them more. I typically post a link to the SFD web page and occasionally share the wiki link as well. If people are interested, they can find out what's going on in their area or what's convenient for them to attend.

Each year SFD resurects the distracting half forgoten acronym FLOSS. Un-used in English & German circles here, though I'm very keen on free source software: & use that exclusively & promoted it for maybe 20 or 30 years, organised SFD's, stands at exhibitions, lectures etc). (PS Was the etymology of the acronym FLOSS to appeal to French speakers ? the `Libre' repeating the `Free'?) For the public, the acronym is a distraction to look up when they're already puzzling why we work so hard to evangelise something we give away: Free Source Software - Something for Nothing for them ! - "What's the Catch ?" is what they're trying to figure. So we toss them a contrived Acronym, & expect them to think we're not even weirder ? ;-) There are simple words such as Linux & BSD to tell people to search for. Not for Mentioning floss just invites MS addicts in an audience to heckle with jokes about about teeth. The acronym is not in pages I write, eg except under Cheers, Julian -- Julian Stacey, Consultant Sys. Engineer, BSD Linux Crash Brexit Dec. 2020 paid by speculators. Contraception V. Global warming, pollution, wars for resources.

On 9/2/20 6:32 AM, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
Mentioning floss just invites MS addicts in an audience to heckle with jokes about about teeth.
Funnily I have always seen the hidden LOSS in fLOSS and that has bothered me for ever. I am a Free Software advocate and seldom meet MS people though (as in MS fans). I think the term was used in SFD when I joined as something inclusive as there was a lot of bickering about Free Software vs Open Source Software at the time. But that was a long time ago. We could scout the wiki/website and replace all those FLOSS acronyms. I know Richard doesn't like open source as it missed the ideology part for him. I initially used to think Open Source was more representative of the ideology than Free Software because of the ambiguity of the word Free in English. But that was in the previous century, so it probably doesn't count, right? What does the SFD community think about it, at least the one relying on English terminology (I know Mainland China as a similar issue for different reasons though - they have a kind of conflicting relationship with the word 'freedom'...). Thank you for raising that up :-) Fred
participants (3)
Frederic Muller - DFF
Julian H. Stacey