Hi all, Firstly thank you to you all for your patience and understanding while we had some technical issues. For those that didn't know, the Software Freedom Day website was down for almost 4 days, and it has taken till now for various reasons to get the mailing lists back up. Details below on what happened: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2007-August/001506.html https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2007-August/001510.html I am glad to say that though the initial work of Canonical sysadmins, and then through the tireless work of several of the Software Freedom International board members, we now have the website, mailing lists and registration back up and running! All other Software Freedom Day preparations were unaffected by the server issues. All teams that registered prior to the 30th July have already had much of their free team schwag posted, and will be receiving 3 seperate packages: 1) SFD tshirts (already shipped to most teams) 2) SFD stickers and balloons (being shipped in the next 2 days) 3) Ubuntu and The Open CD packs (already shipped) Please note that due to some issues in production, we are only able to ship 5 of The Open CDs to each team this year (not including additional CDs purchased), however we will ensure more are available next year. Please feel free to replicate the CDs being sent and to distribute any other FOSS that is locally relevant and beneficial to your events. We are pleased to say there are already 283 registered teams celebrating Software Freedom Day this year, and we expect plenty more to register in the coming weeks to be included as official events. Hopefully we'll hit at the very least the 300 mark, so please let any teams you know that haven't registered to get their socks on! Please ensure your event pages are up to date because over the coming weeks people will be looking for your events and wanting to see at the very least what you'll be doing, when and where so they can visit your events! Good luck with your SFD planning, and thank you all for helping take software freedom to the world! Through all our efforts we can really help ensure a more open, sustainable and trustworthy digital future! Cheers, Pia -- Software Freedom Day 2007 http://softwarefreedomday.org/

It's good to hear the servers are back up and running. Pia Waugh wrote:
... Details below on what happened: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2007-August/001506.html https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2007-August/001510.html
I'm a little shocked to hear that they were running cleartext passwords (e.g. FTP) and allowing arbitrary CGIs to be run. It's a releive to know know that SSH is now being used, it's been available since the 1990's. In the announcement, a distinction is not made between 'upgrading' and 'patching'. It should not matter if the servers were still running Breezy as long as they were patched. Patching != upgrading, and upgrading can bring its own set of problems, including security and stability. One of the key advantages of Free Software, as I have seen it, is that one has the option of keeping a stable set up and not being forced into arbitrary upgrades. Debian, on which *buntu is based is a good example and one can choose to patch the existing software. The more users a service has, the more important this is. Back to lurking, Regards, -Lars
participants (2)
Lars Noodén
Pia Waugh