the openCD is a good set of software to give to people who are on windows and not looking to swap yet. the linux distribution *you* know is probably a good one to burn. ubuntu is popular because it has a chunky desktop community but burning something you feel comfortable demoing is probably the best fit locally?

Hi there -- This is new to me (because I'm new to FOSS), but I think celebrating this day is an outstanding idea. Thanks to all who are putting it together. I'm gathering from Janet's e-mail that we are allowed to burn our own CDs, but I'll ask just to be sure: Are we allowed, enabled, encouraged, etc., to assemble our own FOSS CDs to distribute at the event as well? Our "greatest hits" or "top 10" as it were? The reason I ask is that one of our organizers brought up having a 100% truly free (as in freedom, moreso than free beer) disk containing distros, like gNewSense, that do not include any proprietary software. Larry Cafiero FOSS San Lorenzo Valley (in the Santa Cruz Mountains on the Central California coast -- the range dividing the Silicon Valley from the Pacific Ocean) On 8/4/07, Janet Hawtin <lucychili@gmail.com> wrote:
the openCD is a good set of software to give to people who are on windows and not looking to swap yet.
the linux distribution *you* know is probably a good one to burn. ubuntu is popular because it has a chunky desktop community but burning something you feel comfortable demoing is probably the best fit locally?
_______________________________________________ SFD-discuss mailing list SFD-discuss@sf-day.org http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/sfd-discuss

Larry, I can't imagine why you wouldn't be allowed to burn your own CDs, but I strongly suggest burning copies of the open CD first, as the collection is highly polished and targeted at the standard user. Take a look at it on http://theopencd.org/. Akash On 8/5/07, Larry Cafiero <larry.cafiero@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi there --
This is new to me (because I'm new to FOSS), but I think celebrating this day is an outstanding idea. Thanks to all who are putting it together.
I'm gathering from Janet's e-mail that we are allowed to burn our own CDs, but I'll ask just to be sure: Are we allowed, enabled, encouraged, etc., to assemble our own FOSS CDs to distribute at the event as well? Our "greatest hits" or "top 10" as it were?
The reason I ask is that one of our organizers brought up having a 100% truly free (as in freedom, moreso than free beer) disk containing distros, like gNewSense, that do not include any proprietary software.
Larry Cafiero FOSS San Lorenzo Valley (in the Santa Cruz Mountains on the Central California coast -- the range dividing the Silicon Valley from the Pacific Ocean)
On 8/4/07, Janet Hawtin <lucychili@gmail.com> wrote:
the openCD is a good set of software to give to people who are on windows and not looking to swap yet.
the linux distribution *you* know is probably a good one to burn. ubuntu is popular because it has a chunky desktop community but burning something you feel comfortable demoing is probably the best fit locally?
_______________________________________________ SFD-discuss mailing list SFD-discuss@sf-day.org http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/sfd-discuss
_______________________________________________ SFD-discuss mailing list SFD-discuss@sf-day.org http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/sfd-discuss

Hi Larry, <quote who="Larry Cafiero">
This is new to me (because I'm new to FOSS), but I think celebrating this day is an outstanding idea. Thanks to all who are putting it together.
And thank you for helping take freedom global :)
I'm gathering from Janet's e-mail that we are allowed to burn our own CDs, but I'll ask just to be sure: Are we allowed, enabled, encouraged, etc., to assemble our own FOSS CDs to distribute at the event as well? Our "greatest hits" or "top 10" as it were?
Just to be clear on this, Software Freedom International see our role as providing a global point of collaboration and cohesiveness for the event, providing a vision and code of conduct to keep the event positive, providing positive messaging about why software freedom is important, and supporting teams around the world to take software freedom to their local communities in whichever way they deem to be most appropriate. We also work on getting support behind the event as a whole, and encouraging teams all around the world to participate. http://softwarefreedomday.org/CodeOfConduct If teams want to hand out additional schwag on top of what we are able to provide, that is not only fine, it is encouraged! :) Teams that can get local support from universities, schools, businesses and Government will not only have a great event, but will also create awareness and education about software freedom right throughout their community. After all, freedom isn't just for geeks, right? ;)
The reason I ask is that one of our organizers brought up having a 100% truly free (as in freedom, moreso than free beer) disk containing distros, like gNewSense, that do not include any proprietary software.
If you want to do that, it is totally your perogative. We would highly recommend you consider the needs of the users you hand the software out to. We have chosen to provide teams with some Ubuntu CDs (and The Open CD) even though Ubuntu contains some proprietary drivers, because there needs to be a practical element as well as an education element. I personally believe that if you give software to a complete newbie that will not work on their laptop due to proprietary hardware, most people will simply say "this free software stuff doesn't work". Hand out the 100% free distros along side something that is practical and easy for new users so they can get excited and get on the path to freedom :) I often think back to how I got into GNU/Linux. My background is in systems administration and I started using Debian about 9 years ago. I loved it as a technical person because of the technical superiority over Windows. It took me a few years to really understand the freedom and community aspects, so it would be arrogant of me to expect complete newbies to totally understand everything from the start. Be kind to your newbie communities, invite them in to understanding how this affects them and why software freedom is important. I wrote a short article about how software freedom can affect our basic human rights. This message can be a powerful first step for people new to this world in understanding how technology affects them. If they buy into the concepts, it is more likely they'll buy into FOSS. http://softwarefreedomday.org/SoftwareFreedom Anyway, just thought that might be useful :) Cheers, Pia -- Software Freedom Day 2007 http://softwarefreedomday.org/

On 8/4/07, Pia Waugh <pia@softwarefreedomday.org> wrote:
If teams want to hand out additional schwag on top of what we are able to provide, that is not only fine, it is encouraged! :) Teams that can get local support from universities, schools, businesses and Government will not only have a great event, but will also create awareness and education about software freedom right throughout their community. After all, freedom isn't just for geeks, right? ;)
That was my point -- whether we had the ability to hand out software other than what we acquired from We would highly
recommend you consider the needs of the users you hand the software out to.
Oh, understood. Again, this was brought up at an organizational meeting. I am an Xubuntu user, a very happy one at that (although I've tried other distros and have liked them, including gNewSense). We are hoping to have some *buntu disks available, as part of what we would like to offer. Needless to say, I wouldn't start off someone with, like, Crux, but again my colleague wants to emphasize free software. We have chosen to provide teams with some Ubuntu CDs (and The Open CD) even
though Ubuntu contains some proprietary drivers, because there needs to be a practical element as well as an education element. I personally believe that if you give software to a complete newbie that will not work on their laptop due to proprietary hardware, most people will simply say "this free software stuff doesn't work". Hand out the 100% free distros along side something that is practical and easy for new users so they can get excited and get on the path to freedom :)
I often think back to how I got into GNU/Linux. My background is in systems administration and I started using Debian about 9 years ago. I loved it as a technical person because of the technical superiority over Windows. It took me a few years to really understand the freedom and community aspects, so it would be arrogant of me to expect complete newbies to totally understand everything from the start. Be kind to your newbie communities, invite them in to understanding how this affects them and why software freedom is important.
I wrote a short article about how software freedom can affect our basic human rights. This message can be a powerful first step for people new to this world in understanding how technology affects them. If they buy into the concepts, it is more likely they'll buy into FOSS.
Read it -- thought it was great! We'll be copying this and having it available, if that's okay. Larry Cafiero FOSS San Lorenzo Valley Felton, California, U.S.A.

Hi Larry, <quote who="Larry Cafiero">
Read it -- thought it was great! We'll be copying this and having it available, if that's okay.
Of course! :) Cheers, Pia -- Software Freedom Day 2007 http://softwarefreedomday.org/
participants (5)
David Thomas
Janet Hawtin
Larry Cafiero
Pia Waugh