Software Freedom Day 2007 Competition - entries close 30th September

Hi all, Firstly, thank you to everyone that has filled in our report form! We have about 100 replies already, and if everyone else could pleae fill in the form (even if you have posted your report by email) then that would be great! It'll help us in promoting SFD and also in getting UN recognition for the day. This is just a friendly reminder about the competition for Software Freedom Day 2007. There are two categories of prizes: 1) The best SFD event for 2007 (2 prizes) 2) The best OLPC contribution or plan for contribution (1 prize) The three prizes are, you guessed it, One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) computer systems generously donated by Google and OLPC! The due date for your entries is the 30th September, so make sure you get your entries in on time. All details about the competition, how to submit your entry and more are on the competition webpage: Good luck to everyone with your entries! Cheers, Pia -- Software Freedom Day 2007
participants (1)
Pia Waugh