Hi! So the countdown is available. We've updated the design (and all the svg files on the wiki) so if anybody wants to provide a translation in their language just to go http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/CountDown and edit (or create) the page in your language. The new svg file in English is here: http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/CountDown/en?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=countdown_source2016.svg And to use the countdown just insert <a href="http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/"><img src="http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/countdown/banner1-UTC-4-en.png" border="0" width="160" height="90" alt="Celebrate SFD with us on September 17, 2016!"></a> in your website or your blog! Thank you very much! Fred ps: any question please ask :-)
participants (1)
Frederic Muller - DFF