On 07/23/2010 08:59 AM, Peter Eisinger wrote:
Now, thanks to the carried out diffusion work. Besides FLISOL (Festival Latinoamericano de InstalaciĆ³n de Software Libre) that is carried out in +250 cities, we are also celebrating SFD.
I believe necessary to respect them. I trust you.
Dear Peter, The debate has little meaning compared to SFD. All the other points in your email are out of the topic of SFD. Central America is not a continent and so this only choice would be between The Americas (see it's plural) and the existing division. Besides this has nothing to do with respect. Please remain from being to dramatic. We're following the most common and accepted definition, and bringing notion of disrespect is OUT OF LINE. II therefore find it difficult to have a (non heated) discussion in this condition. Thank you to respect us as well and not claim such things. Frederic Muller SFI President