Hi all, We are very pleased to announce that there is another competition for SFD this year. The two prize categories are: 1) The best SFD event for 2007 2) The best OLPC contribution or plan for contribution The two prizes are, you guessed it, One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) computer systems generously donated by Google! The due date for your entries is the 30th September, so make sure you get started on planning your entries. In particular make sure your SFD events are fantastic and that you take plenty of photos and such :) Details of the competition are below including rules and such. http://softwarefreedomday.org/Competition2007 Good luck everyone with your planning. It looks like it'll be a fantastic and truly global event this year! :) Cheers, Pia -- Software Freedom Day 2007 http://softwarefreedomday.org/