Hi, friend!
Thank for attention, guy!
But in SFD wiki site, for example http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/2018/Brazil/Campina Grande, how to show this coundown there?

Em dom, 2 de set de 2018 às 05:02, Frederic Muller - DFF <fred@digitalfreedomfoundation.org> escreveu:

We've also started the countdown as per
https://www.softwarefreedomday.org/promote/countdown in 5 languages
right now. Those are:
- Catalan
- Chinese Simplified
- English
- French
- Spanish

Hopefully more will come soon.

Thank you.


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José Humberto da Silva Soares
Técnico em TI - UFCG
Graduando em Computação - UFCG
Licenciado em Computação - UEPB.