Hi! As you have read over the past few days we have localized the countdown in 3 additional languages, namely Chinese, French and German. I have just emailed the Spanish, Portuguese and Russian SFD mailing list to gather some volunteers for those languages. We have had other languages translated in the past and I was wondering if we still had someone willing to help us out on those. The languages I have on the wiki are: - Catalan - Serbian Cyrillic - Serbian Latin - Ukrainian - Estonian - Persian - Arabic - Greek If anyone has a bit of free time on their hands, it would be nice to help out. Just let us know whether you decide to just modify the last 3 png(s) or the whole countdown based on the new design (or your wiki name so we can add you to the list of people who can delete files in the countdown section). Full documentation for CountDown translation is available here: http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/CountDown Thank you very much. Fred