Sept. 14, 2007
4:20 a.m.
Hello, I was wondering if there was an organized effort to promote SFD on Digg and Slashdot. It seems that they would be two likely places to promote awareness of the event. I did searches to see if Software Freedom Day had been submitted and that it pointed to SoftwareFreedomDay.org rather than a news site or someone's blog. I found the following two posts: http://digg.com/linux_unix/15_September_is_Software_Freedom_Day http://slashdot.org/firehose.pl?op=view&id=286933 Maybe it would be worthwhile to post the links on SFD website. Just a thought. Regards, Mark Hinkle Open Source Groover Zenoss Core - Open Source Systems Management http://www.encoreopus.com