Hi Fred,

(other people - please read further down)

thanks for replying. I feel your pain. And when hands are short to keep the boat afloat, communication is indeed the hardest one to keep going.

I hope you're recovering well and the stress over SFD and the foundation around it doesn't harm you in that process.

Is the VPS-administration well documented? That's a big one for me.

Could you create an admin account for me on the SFD site? I'd like to see what that looks like and if I can do some quick updates to set the practical stuff straight.

Given your health condition, are you (or someone else from the resigning board) in any shape to set up a meeting to talk through this list?

Hi everybody on the list:

This has become quite a beast to take over. Let's join forces and keep this great event alive!

Let's see how these things can be split up or broken down into modular parts, and make a distinction between (essential) core parts and (nice to have) features.

Let's figure out how to get things rolling first for the 2023 edition. After that we'll see what we can do, en where we end up.

I've started with a cryptpad so we can work on the below list, and break it up into urgents, neededs and nice to haves: https://pad.libre.brussels/7P52HTKGRlOYHM4LWuu8fw#

Please, also join the Matrix chat if you feel that it's important to keep SFD alive: https://matrix.to/#/#SoftwareFreedomDay:matrix.org

Looking forward to get onto this.


On 13/06/2023 04:42, Frederic Muller - DFF wrote:

Sorry I was in hospital for a week and it took me an extra week to recover. And now the sky is falling over my head...

Thank you for the prompt answers (some which I initially didn't receive). Subscription to this list is done on this page:

Websites needs to be updated I guess...

ok so let me try to start with a short version:

general maintenance tasks:
. VPS administration
. Website updates (Joomla! currently)
. Sponsors searching & securing
. Wiki cleanup

Yearly tasks for each event:
. Slight updates to website to reflect the new date
. We used to create new yearly designs for SFD at least. We no longer do. Not a must but if the team is big enough it's doable
. Registration script update
. Wiki updates
. Registration soft launch (to see if any problem)
. Registration launch
. Marketing for teams participation (FB, Mastodon, Twitter, Slashdot,etc...)
. Sponsors communication (especially press which needs to be done early)
. Schwag design and creation if there is budget, which there isn't at the moment.
. Schwag packing shipping 2+ months prior to event

Upgrades needed:
. SFD website
. HFD website remake
. DFD website
. Registration script probably needs to be rewritten as it's Python 2.x and it could be much better
. Wiki migration as Moinmoin 2.x doesn't seem to be coming. We thought of DokuWiki as a replacement but... we won't be here.

So now whole DFF board is resigning and it's all DFF events (SFD, DFD, HFD). There is no replacement but we did talk to a few people in the past, with poor success I would say (we've become really bad at communicating among other things).

Hope it covers most of the things.

Thank you.


On 31/05/2023 15:59, Jurgen Gaeremyn wrote:
Thank you.

Where can one subscribe to this mailing list? I don't see any links in the footer for the mailman panel.

Given the current board is resigning (who is on this board? is this the board of digitalfreedomfoundation - so all the events - or only SFD?), is there a new board that is starting? How many people do you realistically need? I'm willing to take up some responsibility (but not take over SFD completely).

Is there some overview of what the current workload is? Just a matter of knowing what needs to be done, and what skills and time we need to take into account.

I would like to invite everyone doing SFD locally to join the Matrix chat at https://matrix.to/#/#SoftwareFreedomDay:matrix.org

 From in there, we can look into what can be done with the website and the SFD ecosystem.

For sure I want to thank you for the 20 years or so that you have been pulling the SFD wagon! You've inspired me with the initiative and I think you actually turned it into a global event. Now let's hope it stays one for the long run. I thing Software Freedom is more important than ever!


On 30/05/2023 12:14, Frederic Muller - DFF wrote:
Dear all,

It seems my message didn't go out very well. So I am resending it.

Mailing lists have moved to mailman3.com domain and is now:

The current board is also resigning. I'll stay around to help out and ensure SFD runs again this year.

If anyone wants to take over please let us know.

Thank you.


On 05/05/2023 14:16, Jurgen Gaeremyn wrote:

We're planning for Software Freedom Day 2023 in Hackerspace Brussels (hey... it's our 20th edition, we should celebrate!) We picked the topic "Freedom in education"

Is anyone else doing SFD this year? I haven't seen a lot of activity on the mailinglist. Maybe we could meet in a Matrix channel? I created #SoftwareFreedomDay:matrix.org where we could coordinate and exchange ideas)


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