Yes I was also thinking the same. It sounded like a 0 or 1, with nothing in the middle from an organization which has told me (a board member) that they had no interest in DFD. And when they change their mind we can only say yes? ... Thank you for the response and support and hopefully next year will be more prone to organize events. Fred On 5/11/20 3:09 PM, Bob Jonkman wrote:
If they were really interested in helping Document Freedom Day they would have offered some alternatives other than taking over the domain. Like, maybe, sponsorship, or assistance in updating the website, or offering a venue for a DFD conference....
I have every intention of participating in future Digital Freedom Foundation activities. But life gets in the way of getting things done, sometimes.
Keep up the good work, Frederic!
On 2020-05-06 11:01 a.m., Frederic Muller - DFF wrote:
We hope you are all doing ok despite the current problem(s). We received an email from the 'Document Foundation' (Italo Vignoli to be precise).
It turned out that way: "The new board at The Document Foundation, the home of LibreOffice, is interested in getting the documentfreedom.org domain from FSFE, as the community is willing to manage the website and the Document Freedom Day activities starting from 2021.
The current documentfreedom.org website is still pointing at DFD 2018, so it has not been updated for the last two years, and this is not good for the open source ecosystem and for the Open Document Format, which in the meantime has reached version 1.3.
Please let me know your thoughts on the above. Of course, if we get the domain and website, we will be more than happy to see contributions from other projects."
We nicely told them the project was active and when contacting LO over 2 years ago they said they had no interest in DFD (I have the message if anyone is interested).
And while we would definitely welcome any help, we felt the message was not really nice (or really not nice?) and replied accordingly. Within 2 messages more I was called a liar and told "all the LO people are on the DFD mailing list and haven't seen any communication for 2 years.
So here it is. LO will go with a different domain and a same or different event because apparently Italo thinks that if he decides something people should just go along.
Just wanted to let everyone know.
Kind regards,
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