Hi all I didn't realize that you people are looking for a web conferencing service - the subject line just said "SFD 2020). Here is an insider tipp. CH Open [1], a long standing established group pro FOSS has recently launched a web conferencing server [2], free as freedom and free as free lunch. The software platform is BigBlueButton (BBB) [3]. Anybody can register and ask for a "video room". The coordinator of each "stall" or "track" or whatever in SFD, get such a room, and publish them on your homepage. Advised to publish the real link the last minute and keep an assistant monitoring the happenings to avoid "Zoom bombs". BTW, BBB is the most popular web conferencing program in the Moodle landscape. It just needs a modern browser, Firefox, Chrome or Edge. The computer needs to be fairly new, the HTML5 interface requires lot of power. And BBB is feature-rich. Usual text chat, etc. but also screen sharing and group white board! Do intensive trial runs as early as possible. If you worry about capacity - I know, it is a very powerful server and a big group broken in to many rooms need much less power than all in one room, provided all stream their video - you can write to CH Open (send me a copy). [1] https://www.ch-open.ch [2] https://bbb.ch-open.ch/b [3] https://bigbluebutton.org/ Have fun! I'll make it a point to read this thread - not all the other "SFD 2020" threads! Visvanath