Hello Edmund,

Thank you for your message, and it's a great idea to combine SFD with a fitting event.

Comparable with a birthday party... if you celebrate it a few days later because that gives a better outcome, will you stop calling it a birthday party?

Don't hesitate to add your event to the website and wiki! If you use the #softwarefreedomday and #softwarefreedomday2023 hashtags in your social media, we will also try sharing the event on our channels...

Happy Software Freedom Day!

On 17 September 2023 16:48:18 CEST, Edmund Laugasson <edmund.laugasson@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear all,

Just let you know, that in Tallinn, Estonia we will celebrate SFD at September, 29 as part of bigger event called "scientists' night" at IT College, which is part of Tallinn University of Technology. Haven't entered yet anything to SFD wiki, possibly will not as event is officially already over.
In IT College we have dualboot computers with latest LTS version of Ubuntu Linux and latest MS Windows. We using lots of FLOSS in teaching subjects. Although university is using also proprietary software.
Kind regards
Edmund Laugasson