Would be great if someone updated the Wiki, with what events are going online and what events is going online instead? On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 10:05 AM সাজেদুর রহিম জোয়ারদার <toshazed@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Benson আসসালামু আলাইকুম / Peace be upon you
মঙ্গল, ২৫ আগস্ট, ২০২০ তারিখে ৬:৪২ PM টায় এ Benson Muite < benson_muite@emailplus.org> লিখেছেন:
https://github.com/Haivision/srt/blob/master/LICENSE https://github.com/Edward-Wu/srt-live-server/blob/master/LICENSE
Brother, By the word "User" me and the license mean All who uses this software anyway. So the Server Admin or System Administrator is also an "User". And only "Freedom 1 of a Free Software" applied here. Read the license you mentioned here and I hope you will get the point clearly as I have told. :)
First license is Mozilla Public License 2, which FSF has listed as free software license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html) The second one is under MIT/Expat license which is also listed as a free license by the FSF (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html). Maybe I am missing something though.
https://github.com/Haivision/srt/blob/master/LICENSE have been under MPLv2 but https://github.com/Edward-Wu/srt-live-server/blob/master/LICENSE is under MIT which is not a compatible Free Software License.
If you have to blend these 2 to meet your purpose then you are not using Free Software anymore but the blend will become a proprietary one. Freedom once compromised then you are not having the freedom anymore brother. :)
with regards -- রিং/ring
মহাসচিব/General Secretary এফওএসএস বাংলাদেশ/FOSS Bangladesh
সদস্য, লিনাক্স মিন্ট বাংলাদেশ/Member, LinuxMint Bangladesh
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