On 9/2/20 6:32 AM, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
Mentioning floss just invites MS addicts in an audience to heckle with jokes about about teeth.
Funnily I have always seen the hidden LOSS in fLOSS and that has bothered me for ever. I am a Free Software advocate and seldom meet MS people though (as in MS fans). I think the term was used in SFD when I joined as something inclusive as there was a lot of bickering about Free Software vs Open Source Software at the time. But that was a long time ago. We could scout the wiki/website and replace all those FLOSS acronyms. I know Richard doesn't like open source as it missed the ideology part for him. I initially used to think Open Source was more representative of the ideology than Free Software because of the ambiguity of the word Free in English. But that was in the previous century, so it probably doesn't count, right? What does the SFD community think about it, at least the one relying on English terminology (I know Mainland China as a similar issue for different reasons though - they have a kind of conflicting relationship with the word 'freedom'...). Thank you for raising that up :-) Fred