On 07/20/2010 12:58 PM, Arif Syamsudin wrote:
On 07/20/2010 11:42 AM, Frederic Muller - SFI wrote:
Dear Arif,
From looking at the website I see the event date seems to be around October (can't be sure). I am not exactly sure what you're trying to achieve in fact. If you want to participate in SFD you need to organize an SFD event on September 18th (or around that date assuming you have good reasons to change it).
I see you're already organizing a Linux conference so why would you want your event to be considered a SFD event since it's a Linux conference? Quite different objectives in my views.
Looking forward to getting your answers.
dear fred,
big thank for you quick reply.
the conference itself only take 2 days (october 23rd and 24th). other than that, the ilc is consists of various activities that involve open source softwares. and we're hoping, with that kind of materials, we can have the event count as a softwarefreedomday event. if the event is not possible to consider as an sfd event, that would be fine.
we will try to gather "ammunition" to create an sfd event here in bogor, indonesia. september 18th right? thank you again for your kind attention :).
best regard,
Dear Arif, Looking at the introduction page on your site I read "/Indonesia Linux Conference/ (ILC) is an annual nationwide series of activities which consist of conferences, seminars, workshops, training, competitions and exhibitions related to the Linux operating system." Now I believe SFD has a very different focus. It's not about Linux, it's about getting people, anybody, aware and understand what Free Software is. In fact telling people with no or little ideas of what Free Software is, that they should use Linux might confuse them: it might be a too big step. On the contrary recommending FOSS alternative to software they're already using on Windows or MAC OS for example, showing them how easy it is to use without losing their other applications and habits will be a much more successful path. People don't change habits with no reason, and they need time. A happy Firefox or OOo user might consider trying Linux after a few months, an unhappy Linux user will never look back to Free Software and give our community a bad name. Also take into consideration that the way you address and attract people to a Linux conference and Software Freedom Day event should be very different. Your audience is different, and the marketing efforts you will put in will be different. My problems here, is not really about the date, but a lot more about the message and effectiveness of getting your Linux event as a recognized SFD event. In my opinion you would do much better by making a smaller scale SFD event in September and using the buzz from every other events to attract non Free Software users interested in both the concept and the options at hand. Please do consider the above with your team. Thank you for your interest and discussing the issue with everyone, I am sure this will help other teams as well in their event preparation. Best regards, Fred SFI