Aug. 4, 2007
1:42 a.m.
Hi Przemek, <quote who="Przemysław Kulczycki">
Haha, I've just persuaded polish Linux Magazine to join the polish SFD events - what a coincidence :]
That's great! On that note all teams should try to garner local support for their events. Talk to your radio stations, local papers, even TV stations! They love local events and will often cover it which expands the impact of your efforts :) Ideas here: http://softwarefreedomday.org/StartGuide#head-8078220a2ebad7a4e01d2ef68fb6e9... Make sure you link any press coverage you get under 2007 on the press page: http://softwarefreedomday.org/press Cheers, Pia -- Software Freedom Day 2007 http://softwarefreedomday.org/