shirish wrote:
The moot or most basic question is should software freedom day be limited to just speaking and showing Free software and talking about or use the larger canvass of free culture as well ?
Softwarefreedomday is about letting know the worldwide public about FOSS. I don't think you need to oppose the 2 ideas you're mentioning as they don't oppose themselves. But you don't want to confuse your audience neither and send the wrong message (whatever that is). In short, make it simple and they might start to use FOSS. Make it complicated and you've probably lost your chances. I'm sure you already know the answer to your own question.
I felt the same question last year as well .
Lastly, on a more practical note, the Openeducation Disc could do perhaps with having a release number put up on it. I just went to the site and saw there is OpenEducationDisc 09.07 http://www.theopendisc.com/education/ now is this the version in the discs given to us.
It's actually based on 09.07 with VLC removed so not exactly the same. We also added some Linux ISO files so it's really not in line with the 09.07. I might even maybe have replaced the Firefox version to a newer one (or maybe not, can't remember). In fact it's the "SFD edition" and you have the 2009 SFD logo on it to remind you which one it is. Similarly giving away the latest version of everything is not as paramount as having someone trying the software (and he probably couldn't care less whether it's Firefox 3.0, 3.5.1 or 3.5.3 when trying out...). I believe that just like any Linux installfest a lot more goes into installing, than just clicking on the 'Next' button.
Looking forwad for feedback.
Great to know your event preparation is moving forward, we also have a few universities moving the date for several logistic reasons (no student back, H1N1, etc.) Fred