Matthew Davidson wrote:
Alex Gretlein wrote:
I'm trying to edit Melissa Draper's excellent 'What is Open Source?' leaflet using the Scribus source files provided on the SFD wiki and on the geekosophical site (which appear to be slightly different based on md5sums). In either case, Scribus tells me that the .sla files are not in Scribus format. This is with Scribus 1.2.5 on Ubuntu Feisty.
I tried the same thing. If you look at the file in a text editor, there's a version number there : The 'scribus-ng' package in Feisty installs this "developmental branch" version.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find an easy way to do a search for all instances of "open source" and replace with "free software", so I gave up :)
I intentionally used 'open source' for the mere purpose of disambiguating to the Joe or Joanne. They believe already 'know' what 'free software' is. To them it is the shareware that cost them nothing, the freeware that cost them nothing, etc. You wont win people over gure which free was being talked about at the time.telling them that the software they never had to pay for was not free. I explain in the leaflet the difference between the two editions of 'free', but kept the 'open source' references so the readers would not have to double back and try figure which free was being talked about at the time. You, like me, may have no issue differentiating the word in your own mind. However, you want to reach the average Joe, like my father, who gets totally confused when two definitions of the one word come into play. The only free he really understands is co$t. Of course, in non-english languages, this disambiguation is likely not necessary.
-- Alma Technology - The future is free and open http://www.almatech.net.au ... (02) 6658 1607 ... 0419 242 316
-- Sincerely Melissa Draper http://www.meldraweb.com Phone: 0404 595 395 (intl): +61 404 595 395 P.O Box 1412 Lavington, NSW 2641