Am 22.07.2010 19:49, schrieb Peter Eisinger: Hi Peter,
CentralAmerica a while ago that it was included in the wiki of SFD.
Its population's +95% speaks Spanish. [1] [2]
For all Latin America, the American continent is divided in 3 subcontinents [2] [3]:
America of the North America of the South Central America
The continents are just for a general orientation - we might have even chosen to just list countries alphabetically. You are the first in this year who seems to have a problem with that official continent list. Even if we would consider including it, we would have to move all countries from one continent to the other. And then we would have to consider the opposition of other users. And if I read this: ""Central America" may mean different things to different people in the world according to the context..." ... I do not think it would be a good idea to play that card, especially not at this point of preparations. Central America just seems to be a blurry term - and we would have to discuss in length which definition we would take. And in the end its all about making great local events in our regions, isn't it so? Regards, Thilo -- XING: https://www.xing.com/profile/Thilo_Pfennig - LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/tpfennig SFD 2010 http://softwarefreedomday.org/