10 Sep
10 Sep
8:39 a.m.
Dear Pockey Hope you are fine. We, FOSS Bangladesh had received our SFD team packs 2012. The banner and DVD's are ok. Balloons, T-Shirls and the Stickers are very nice. We are very happy to get these gifts and we will share it with the participants of the events. We are organizing SFD-2012 events in three venues at Dhaka and Rajshahi, simultaneously this year. We are short of balloons. Hope SFI will send more than 50 balloons to us in 2013. [?] Please let us know the process we follow to reproduce them here in Bangladesh as you mentioned about the T-Shirt Stickers. With Thanks -- রিং/ring +8801671411437 মহাসচিব/General Secretary ফাউন্ডেশন ফর ওপেন সোর্স সলিউশনস বাংলাদেশ/Foundation for Open Source Solutions Bangladesh