On 09/01/2011 12:12 AM, Alexey Eromenko wrote:
Unfortunately both TheOpenCD, and it's child, TheOpenDisc are dead projects.
Sorry for jumping in so late, I've had family issues and been sick (at the same time). The Opendisc latest release is December 2010, I don't really consider this dead. Have you tried to contact the maintainer? Chris is very responsive and I am sure he will appreciate the help. Besides we just updated all the software (and added a few) in the 11.09 SFD Special edition which is available for download through torrent. Why am I again writing this? Each year I see a very motivated individual wanting to make Yet Another OpenDisc clone. This is followed by one release and then dies. Chris has been maintaining the OpenDisc project for years and makes a few releases a year. I believe it is a lot more beneficial for everyone to provide help to an existing project than create your own and have it die because you realize later that you don't have the time anymore. SFI through its community is probably going to engage in maintaining the Free Culture DVD this winter (lots of fine tuning and format conversion need to happen), we might has well ping Chris too. Thanks. Fred