2012/8/29 Pockey Lam
On 08/30/2012 11:06 AM, সাজেদুর রহিম
জোয়ারদার wrote:
Dear Pockey
We are FOSS Bangladesh. When do we will get the SFD team packs
2012? Is there any schedule/time frame defined?
If you registered before
the deadline of getting team packs, the package should be arrived
around 13rd September.
However as mentioned earlier, each year we have delayed
or lost packages, which are really out of our control. On the
bright side, since the goodies are not year specific you can
always use them later in the year or for SFD 2013 if you get
them late.
We've still haven't received yet the goodies from 2012, here in Nicaragua. :P