Thank you for the news Fred. :-) It is an initiative to protect all previous and future development from the way Oracle is dealing with stuff since the Sun Microsystems acquisition. This is a 100% libre version. (This sentence might be redundant but since sometimes non libre initiatives say they are, then it is imperative to clarify that this one is really libre.) IRichard Stallman among many others supports this initiative http://www.documentfoundation.org/supporters/ -- Saludos/Greetings Quiliro Ordóñez 593(2)340 1517 / 593(9)821 8696 Even The Troops Are Waking Up <http://tinyogg.com/watch/My8SB/> ACTA – Un acuerdo que puede garantizar la crucificción de internet<http://quiliro.wordpress.com> GNU should mean "GNU's not Ubuntu!<http://quidam.cc/03-03-2010/gnu-should-mean-gnus-not-ubuntu> "Lo único que se necesita para que triunfe el mal es que los hombres de bien no hagan nada." Sergei Bondarchuk Estas son opiniones personales y no representan la posición de organización alguna.