Hi Lenz, <quote who="Lenz Grimmer">
My own blog: Blog URL: http://www.lenzg.org/ Feed URL: http://www.lenzg.org/rss.php?serendipity[tag]=sfd
Great, thanks!
Can you please verify that the feed URL is complete? The "?serendipity[tag]=sfd" part at the end is important. Currently, Planet SFD is aggregating all of my postings, which probably don't always have a relation to SFD :)
Ah, the [tag] bit would be causing issues as I use []'s to delineate the urls. Will try to fix. Thanks for the heads up! Cheers, Pia -- OLPC Australia http://olpc.org.au/ Linux Australia http://linux.org.au/ Open Source Industry Australia http://osia.net.au/ Software Freedom Day http://softwarefreedomday.org/ "We all pay for life with death, so everything in between should be free." - Bill Hicks