On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 6:16 PM, Steve Rainwater <srainwater@ncc.com> wrote:
I just wanted to offer my thanks to everyone here who helped support SFD 2011! Our event in Dallas was small but successful. We had a lot of people show up. We gave away lots of Ubuntu and Fedora CDs. Thanks for all the swag, it arrived well before the big day and we used nearly all of it. We even inflated all the balloons and decorated the room with them this year.
One note about the t-shirts - they suffered major shrinkage. On the first washing, my large became a medium. On the second wash, it shrunk to small. :) But better those orange shirts from a few years ago where the color leached out and stained everything you washed with them. Best t-shirts so far have been the bright green ones (maybe 2007?) - no shrinkage, no color leaching. If anyone knows who made those, use that company to make next year's shirts!
We also got some media attention on Geekbeat.tv. Cali Lewis came out and shot video at our event, check it out if you haven't seen it yet:
_______________________________________________ SFD-discuss mailing list SFD-discuss@sf-day.org http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/sfd-discuss
Here in Cancun Mexico we had a great turnaround, a bus full of students from Playa del carmen attend the event and were really excited to learn about topics we went through. We had around 100 people in total, and where able to record and stream every talk<http://www.flickr.com/photos/tqvcancun/6170424610/in/set-72157627722376468>and also use the paterial and even create some of our own. Small pillows <http://twitpic.com/6mdj72> with the SFD logo and also a "Freedom Cake<https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/298470_1015044198520697...> ": We also showcase a mashup app<http://www.flickr.com/photos/tqvcancun/6170422152/in/set-72157627722376468>develop in couchdb for venues and event that put tweets on a screen or projections for social marketing. -- *Alexandro Colorado* *OpenOffice.org* Español http://es.openoffice.org fingerprint: E62B CF77 1BEA 0749 C0B8 50B9 3DE6 A84A 68D0 72E6