Hi there, we're going to have our annual Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage in Kiel, Northern Germany, on SFD and the Friday before, plus several workshops in the week before (which is part of 'Digitale Woche Kiel'). You can find more info, including our event program at https://kielux.de/programm On another note: The official http://softwarefreedomday.org/ website's certificate is no longer valid (since Nov. 2017 already) - and I'd like to probe for registration dates :) Any updates? Any issues? Kind Regards, Maren Am 19.07.2018 um 07:58 schrieb Luna Jernberg:
The website at https://www.softwarefreedomday.org/ says 15th September at the bottom so that is correct
On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 4:36 AM, Humberto <lindrix@gmail.com <mailto:lindrix@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi for all. My name is Humberto, and i am Brazilian. In my city, Campina Grande, Parahyba, we will make a SFD event in a college, in the UniNassau. We already have some sponsors and the acts are well advanced, but we need to know when will be the official date to event, 'cause the more acts will need it, for example, to get more sponsors, presenters and to spread for people. Some groups like us are putting the date how September 15. Is IT true?
I thank you from now on. -- José Humberto da Silva Soares Técnico em TI - UFCG Graduando em Computação - UFCG Licenciado em Computação - UEPB.
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