Yes Judy, in fact we are doing it all the way. I put most of my money into TUX toy that we give to the children year around. We sell one in Canada for 20$ we get the money move around to produce more TuX that are already paid for by people who got them in Canada. (you pay 20$ you get a tux and a child in peru gets anotherone) This way we have single mothers making tux 10$ is the cost something "overpaid" yet the point is to have children something to eat. (many of them are on the streets) ..."extra tux for a child" plus T-shits however the program is called "amealperu" and up to this moment we had no logo of UBUNTU. (ooops) It is amazing how it works, Child will talk about the Penguin, gnu/linux, even richar stallman, without of having a computer. They walk with them, sleep with them and so on learning about tuxland and idea. It would go much better in Canada if we could have some electronic system (visa card). In my country my passport is confiscated over 10 years, (canada puts many brakes on my work) I can't get the identity and all that relates to the banks and "shopping cards". I have to 'jump" the borders. (H) 4$ we can get the T-shirt for and we are looking into it for ubuntu logo and have it 'amealperu & ubuntu" kind of thing. If anybody have a suggestion, I take it. we have children's campaign (adults too) "tux presidente" that have to do much about internal affairs that in short are this: ...we wish to have the "tux presidente' works good we send groups of children to City Halls and other institutions to talk about not waisting our tax money into windows license (one university pays 36000$, they look into ubuntu now) put gnu/LINUX and return some to the people by better other services. Building it this way we see that the kids talk about it at home and families, schools and so on, it is effective. Plus we have kids walking with them and many geeks ask 'where did you get this Tux?" and conversation develops. Maybe just maybe if I had the passport would be even easier. (if anybody interested: ) the point is that to have something 'standard' would be cool. if we get them (T-shirts) from ubuntu or not it does not matter that much ...they have done already a lot for our society. it was just the idea I have shared before not to make only "big fat size" but to look into "children" one more thing before I stop writing if anybody wishes to send images for that "rotary / random image place" on the website it is excellent opportunity to let all our children in Peru know that there is "more of us around the world" please send some. we wish to have many ubuntu friends around the world. Pictures from the events we welcome too we didn't get any last year. Once I 'jump' the borders I will stay some months in Peru we could disply them and so on. People see more people around the world in the same "ubuntu' they seems to take it more into hearts. My Greetings to Belize from Canada and the team in Peru Malko wrote:
In remote areas, from experience that I have, I see that T-shirts are not as affective for the adults as it would be for the children. Perhaps because of the regional poverty children would use more the T-shirts than the adults and they seems to me an effective advertising. If we could have child's design (size) with some heart that would say "I love ubuntu" ...I think would be cool. Parents look at "what children have on the T-shirt" too.
Malko, have you thought about having t-shirts made locally? We are doing that in Belize, and they won't be EXACTLY like the ones SFD is sending out, but they WILL be lime green with the SFD07 logo on them. You could make some for kids with what you wanted on them, like "I love Ubuntu!" Having ours made locally will save on shipping, etc and we can have them "printed" as we need them. And they are going to cost us $6.50 US each. We think that's OK. People are willing to buy their own. Just an idea.
Judy in Belize