Hello People, Trust you all had a funfilled SFD....though we could not get the SFD package we however made alternative and still had fun and experienced knowledge transfer! See for yourself : http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150371796835115.397040.516540114&... Our video will come latter Our sincere appreciation goes to the SFD team for providing us with the CDs we gave out during the event. Regards 2011/9/23 Jorge Eduardo Mariño Indaburu <jemarinoi@gmail.com>
Cordial saludo Fred,
En nombre de los alumnos de los programas de Ingenierías y Ciencias económicas que conformaron el comité de software libre que organizo el pasado Día de la Libertad del Software, queremos dar nuestro agradecimiento por la oportunidad brindada y los diferentes apoyos, compartimos albùm de fotos y vídeo del evento.
Video SFD2011:
Albùm de fotos
- Jorge Eduardo Mariño Indaburu Vicedecano Ingeniería de Sistemas UAN Seccional Neiva http://introprog.blogspot.com Cel 3162340950
Linux Counter: Home page for #396221
2011/9/19 Frederic Muller - SFI <fred@softwarefreedomday.org>
There will be SFD event until almost end of October. Has anyone some ideas how to easily show this on the front page (while we've past the "date") and make it easy for people to find those events?
_______________________________________________ SFD-discuss mailing list SFD-discuss@sf-day.org http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/sfd-discuss
-- Linux Counter: Home page for #396221 JORGE EDUARDO MARIÑO INDABURU http://jemarinoi.wordpress.com
--- Escucha radioGNU: http://radiognu.org/ Usa el facebook libre: http://www.gnewbook.org/ Usa el twitter libre: http://identi.ca/
"Please do not send me Microsoft Office/Apple iWork documents. Send OpenDocument instead! http://fsf.org/campaigns/opendocument/"
Por favor no me envies documentos de Microsoft Office o de IWork, enviame documentos en formatos abiertos como los de OpenOffice: http://fsf.org/campaigns/opendocument/
_______________________________________________ SFD-discuss mailing list SFD-discuss@sf-day.org http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/sfd-discuss
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Seun Ojedeji, University of Nigeria, Nsukka (Enugu Campus) web: http://www.unn.edu.ng Mobile: +2348035233535 Skype: seun.ojedeji alt email: seun.ojedeji@gmail.com* *you don't need a hero to succeed on the field....you need a team!*