another tools for SaaS discussion on SFD should you come across such
No idea what SaaS was. I looked it up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SaaS "Software as a service" Just another marketing buzzword: "The concept of SaaS has been popularized by Salesforce.com, which coined the term "The End of Software" to differentiate its (then new) software-as-a-service approach .... Yawn ! Amusing bit: "Data escrow .... 85 percent of the participants wanted to take a copy of their SaaS data. A third of these participants wanted a copy on a daily basis." People askng about SAAS & clouds could be told: Remote data & service clouds can evaporate. A free app. or server one installs localy from eg an SFD CDROM/DVD, is an app. & data a remote admin on a remote SAAS server + cloud can't break for you by unexpected upgrade, service removal, bankruptcy, net outage, or deciding to go commercial & charge for next week. SAAS & clouds are not the direction UK government is going eg tax office & companies house (co. reg. authority) are pushing processing on to applicants PCs (Processing of PDF v. 1.7 editable forms for tax returns by Adobe Reader etc), Central servers are just for upload on completion, Not remote SAAS processing. Cheers, Julian -- Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultants Munich http://berklix.com Reply below, not above; Indent with "> "; Cumulative like a play script. Format: Plain text. Not HTML, multipart/alternative, base64, quoted-printable. http://www.softwarefreedomday.org 17th Sept, http://berklix.org/sfd/ Oct.