Software Freedom Day in Melbourne, AU Software freedom day was held in Melbourne with a series of lectures, a games room operated by Free Software Melbourne, 3D printer demonstration courtesy of the Melbourne Community Hackerspace, movies (Revolution OS, FreeBSD, Hope Conference '94), stalls from the Free Software Foundation, Raspberry Jam, One Laptop per Child, and Linux Users of Victoria, along with a free lunch with open sauce. About eighty-five people turned up during the day, with a height of around 75 just before noon. The day was opened by Dr. Alison Parkes, a lecturer from the University of Melbourne and candidate for Lord Mayor. Other speakers included Lev Lafayette on free software and business logic, Chris Samuel, from the Victorian Life Sciences Initiative discussing, "Free Software in Supercomputers and Science", Tony Forster from OLPC discussing that project, Alec Clews on the Raspberry Pi, Andy Gleme on 3D printing technologies, Daniel Jitnah on free software in the education sector, and Andrew Pam from Electronic Frontiers Australia on data retention legislation. (Next year we'll get our team together in time and actually receive the SFD pack - that's twice we've missed out!) All the best, -- Lev Lafayette, mobile: 0432 255 208 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1855.txt