-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi Fred: I've uploaded an iCal (.ics) file to our page on the Wiki, which I would like to keep updated as we add activities to our Software Freedom Day event. The filename should stay the same, so that when I upload a new file people will simply see the new events appear in their calendars. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to overwrite files with the same name. Is it possible to remove that restriction? Thanx, - --Bob. http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/2014/Canada/Kitchener/TWC - -- Bob Jonkman <bjonkman@sobac.com> Phone: +1-519-669-0388 SOBAC Microcomputer Services http://sobac.com/sobac/ http://bob.jonkman.ca/blogs/ http://sn.jonkman.ca/bobjonkman/ Software --- Office & Business Automation --- Consulting GnuPG Fngrprnt:04F7 742B 8F54 C40A E115 26C2 B912 89B0 D2CC E5EA -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Ensure confidentiality, authenticity, non-repudiability iEYEARECAAYFAlP8FN4ACgkQuRKJsNLM5eoGUQCeMn/xxsdnm34QwTJLoPRAbFdE +2EAoLk3O4CfYgLHAVcuqu6MenLGhiSv =Ns0F -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----